Nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus+ IRIS, finanziato dalla Comunità Europea e coordinato dalla prof.ssa Anna Civarelli, 8 nostri allievi meritevoli delle classi quarte (a.s.2017/18) hanno avuto la possibilità di trascorrere quattro settimane in tre diverse destinazioni europee - Germania, Spagna e Malta - durante le vacanze estive. Il programma ha offerto un percorso di mobilità studentesca al fine di realizzare un periodo di tirocinio lavorativo in azienda all'estero, dopo un'apposita formazione extracurricolare in Italia di 3 giorni a Castione della Presolana, ove i nostri allievi sono stati formati e si sono confrontati, lavorando in team, con allievi provenienti da altre scuole italiane, partner del progetto. Gli studenti partecipanti sono stati selezionati in base a criteri condivisi e in possesso di certificazione di livello linguistico (inglese) pari o superiore al livello B1 del QCER.

Qui di seguito, le relazioni di due allievi, Andrea e Marco.



My participation in this Erasmus project has undeniably changed me for the better and I had a great time during my stay in Germany.  

I enjoyed interacting with the local community while also being able to get to know the local culture.

I worked in a travel agency as an assistant. Part of my internship consisted in creating and checking invoices, organising documents and answering phone calls from customers.

Moreover, our shop was a drop-off point for the DPD delivery service, which meant I was also in charge of picking up the parcels from their courier, labelling and storing them, then handing them out to the recipients when they came in to retrieve them. This task allowed me to have contact with Germans, even if only for a few minutes a day, and have small talk with them, which showed me their level of English is really good, considering most of the people I've talked to are unlikely to be using it regularly.

Since in the summertime the workload is much lower than in the rest of the year, as most customers are on vacation or have already come back, we were only two in the office, the owner of the company and me.

The surprisingly short commute to work and the particularly quiet working environment made my working period really pleasurable, allowing me to leave the workplace each day without feeling stressed or tired out.

Given my personal experience mainly in very technical-related workplaces, I can say without a doubt this gave me a better outlook on the labour market as a whole.

Overall a wonderful and highly educational experience; I've been impressed by many aspects of the German society and I would definitely encourage anyone to enrol in projects like this one if you're into it.



This summer I spent what, so far, can be classified as one of the best experiences I have ever had.

As part of the Erasmus+ Project IRIS (funded by the European Community), I was chosen to take part into an 8-student group that could work and live for four weeks in Germany, Spain and Malta. My destination was Valencia, Spain. My job was to help organize and manage the arrivals and the stays of other Italian groups in the institute, which has also helped me quite a lot with the learning of Spanish, as we had to communicate a lot with our supervisors. This and the fact that Spanish isn't that different from Italian made it all easier.

As far as the experience is concerned, the city of Valencia did it all... having both an agreeable and lively pedestrian centre and the seaside, with its large and long beaches, within reach… it was simply amazing and, let's be honest, the season perfectly fit with the concept of the city.

What I did not expectt to find was the great number of Erasmus students from all over the world, from universities as well, which makes Valencia the perfect place to spend your nights either dancing in some characteristic clubs or having a soft drink enjoying the company.

What's more, despite all the movement witnessed, the public transport services worked excellently, therefore, independently from where your work place was, you had no excuses to be late.

In addition to this, I found myself in a group of very nice people which made this experience very hard to forget and why not? for sure to repeat!